Precise Innovation Golf Tracker is an exclusive online tracking system to be used within your Golf ball. This amazing new technology will monitor and track a group’s progress around the golf course area with many other benefits such as reducing slow play. This product in your club will modernize golf whilst retaining all of its traditions and rules.

About Precise Innovation Golf Tracker

Precise Innovation, Golf Tracker is an exclusive online tracking system to be used within your Golf ball. This amazing new technology will monitor and track a group’s progress around the golf course area with many other benefits such as reducing slow play. This product in your club will modernize golf whilst retaining all of its traditions and rules.

Why This Product is Needed?

The bigger problem in Golf today is slow play. This affects all levels of Golf, from players turning up for a social game, through to competitive tournament play. this is recognized as golf’s biggest problem and is continuously in the media. The average negative revenue effect of slow play, calculated with course data USD 191,831